2024-2025 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Guide

The 2024-2025 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Guide books are in.

 You can find a free pdf on the UME Vegetable webpage

Paper copys of the guide are available for $25 (plus shipping). Please reach out to your local extension office if you are intrested in purchasing one.

These recommendations are intended for the commercial vegetable grower who has to make numerous managerial decisions. Although the proper choices of variety, pesticides, equipment, irrigation, fertilizer, and cultural practices are the individual vegetable grower’s responsibility, it is intended that these recommendations will facilitate decision-making. Recommended planting dates will vary across the six-state region. Local weather conditions, grower experience, and variety may facilitate successful harvest on crops planted outside the planting dates listed in this guide.


Inside the guide you will find information about general production recommendations, soil and nutrient management, irrigation management, pesticide safety, pest management and specific commodity recommendations




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