Despite cooler temperatures during the past few days, apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) spores continue to mature. A significant apple scab infection event is forecasted April 5 to 7, 2022, in Pennsylvania and surrounding area. For those with green tissue present on their apple trees, protection is necessary for this event.
The apple scab fungus overwinters in infected leaves. As it warms up in the spring they mature and produce spores that are discharged into air currents and carried to developing apple buds. The disease negatively affects fruit size and quality (due to blemishes and poor ripening). Over time, repeated defoliation from the disease reduces tree vigor, growth, and yield.

Photo by Penn State Department of Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology Archives , Penn State University,
Apple scab produces gray-to-olive green lesions on the leaves ( as seen above), but may also be seen on blossoms, sepals, petioles, pedicels, and fruit. On leaves, lesions first appear on the undersides of young leaves in the spring as they unfold and are exposed to infection. Leaves are susceptible to infection for about 5 days after they unfold. Fruit may become infected at any time in its development. Typical fruit lesions are distinct, almost circular, rough-surfaced, olive-green spots up to ¾ inch in diameter.
Control information can be found on Penn State Extension website: