Current Members
Research Scientists
(open positions available)
Navid J. Ayon, Assistant Research Scientist (Sept. 2024–Present)
Postdoctoral Fellows/Scientists
(open positions available)
Ramesh Kumar, Postdoctoral Associate (Jul. 2024–Present)
Ph.D. Graduate Students
(open positions available)
Md Tarikul Islam, Ph.D. student (Nov. 2021–Present)
Ailing Li, Ph.D. student (Sep. 2021–Present)
Dashuang Jia, Ph.D. student (Nov. 2019–Present)
Ryan O’Neal, Ph.D. Student (Nov. 2020–Present)
Laura De La Caridad Garcia Rodriguez, Ph.D. Student (Nov. 2022–Present)
Bowen Shen, Ph.D. Student (Sept. 2020–Present)
Yayra Timothy Tuani, Ph.D. student (Oct. 2021–Present)
Fei Zhou, Ph.D. Student (Nov. 2021–Present)
Undergraduate Students
(open positions may be available)
Annie Liu, Undergraduate Student (Jan. 2021–Present)
Sara Zena Ismaiel, Jan. 2022–Present (Mentor: Ryan O’Neal)
Harini Patel, UMD, April 2022–Present (Mentor: Ailing Li)
Raegan Duroy, Sep. 2023–Present (Mentor: Laura De La Caridad Garcia Rodriguez)
[Last known position is shown]
Postdoctorate Fellows/Scientists
- David virag, PhD (Semmelweis U.), 1/5/2024–5/5/2024 [Assistant Lecturer at Semmelweis University, Hungary]
- Chathuri Udeshika Gamlath Mohottige, PhD (Mississippi State U.), 6/1/2022–3/14/2023
- Kaitlyn Stepler, PhD (Vanderbilt U.), 9/1/2021–1/5/2023 [Assistant Professor, Mount St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, MD]
- Kellen DeLaney, PhD (U. Wisconsin, Madison), 9/1/2020–8/31/2021 [Application Specialist, Waters Corp., Milford, MA]
- Adam Kecskemeti, PhD (U. of Debrecen, Hungary), 10/7/2019–1/31/2020 [Analytical Chemistry, Industry, Hungary]
- Camille Lombard, PhD (George Washington U.), 7/1/2018–9/9/2019 [Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Sr. Scientist, translational Medicine, AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, MD]
- Albert Arul, PhD (Loyola College, Tamil Nadu, India), 2/2017–12/2017 [Research Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN]
- Sunil Hwang, PhD (Kyungpook National U., Daegu, South Korea), 2/2016–10/2016 [Senior Research Scientist, Integrated Micro-Chromatography Systems LLC, Charlotte, NC]
- Ziad J. Sahab, PhD (Florida State U., Tallahassee, FL), 2/2014–2/2016 [Project Director, GWU]
- Hongli Li, PhD (Washington State University, Pullman, WA), 9/2011–4/2013 (FDA) [Assist. Prof., Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu, China]
PhD Graduate Students
- Leena Pade, MSc (National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hyberabad, India), PhD (UMD, Sept. 2018–May. 2024), Dissertation: Spatiotemporal proteomic approaches for investigatingpatterning during embryonic development [Senior Scientist, Merck, NJ]
- Jie Li, MSc (Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, OH), PhD (UMD, Jan. 2018–Dec. 2022), Dissertation: Next-generation mass spectrometry with multi-omics for discoveries in cell and neurodevelopmental biology [Postdoctoral Fellow, Johnson & Johnson, and Purdue Laboratories, Purdue, IN]
- Aparna Baxi, MSc (U. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD), Sept. 2016–Dec. 2022 (Co-advised with Dr. Sally Moody, George Washington University), Proteome dynamics in neural and neurosensory development [Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH, 2022]
- Sam Choi, MSc (George Mason U., Fairfax, VA), PhD (UMD, Jan. 2015–Dec. 2021), Dissertation: Development of single-neuron proteomics by mass spectrometry for the mammalian brain [Senior Scientist, AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, MD]
- Erika Portero, BS (Drew U., Madison, NJ), PhD (UMD, Sept. 2015–Dec. 2020), Dissertation: Development of single-cell mass spectrometry tools to investigate metabolic reorganization during early embryogenesis [Postdoctoral Fellow, Dana-Faber Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA]
- Camille Lombard-Banek, MSc (U. of Toledo, Toledo, OH), PhD (GWU, Jan. 2014–June 2018), Dissertation: Development of microanalytical mass spectrometry tools to probe proteomic differences between single embryonic cells in early vertebrate embryos [Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, Sept. 2018–Present]
- Rosemary M. Onjiko, MSc (Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY), PhD (GWU), Sept. 2013–Dec. 2017, Dissertation: Single-cell metabolomics of the frog (Xenopus laevis) embryo by capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry [Postdoc: Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine, 2018–2019; Clinical Scientist, COOK, West Lafayette, IN, 2019–2021; Analytical Scientist, Corteva, 2021–Present]
MS Graduate Students
- Gabriella Schweitzer, (MS in Chemistry, UMD), Jan. 2020–2022
- Steven E. Woolford, (BS in Chemistry, UMD; MS in Environmental and Green Chemistry, George Washington University, Washington DC), Oct. 2019–July 2021
- Vi Michael Quach, MSc (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI), Jan. 2018–Dec. 2019 [Assoc. Field Service Engineer, AB Sciex]
- Aleena J. Andrews, MS (The College of New Jersey, NJ), MS (UMD), May 2018–May 2019 [R&D Associate, Regeneron, Tarrytown, NY]
- Udara John Mendis (B.E. in Chemical Engineering, City College of New York, New York City, NY): Sept. 2020–May 2023
Undergraduate Students
- Nelson Pinto, UMD, Jan. 2019–May 2020
- Harshal Shah, UMD, Sept. 2018–Sept. 2019
- Reem Al Shabeeb, GW, June 2015–May 2017 [PhD Graduate Student, GWU School of Medicine and Health Sciences] (Mentor: Camille Lombard-Banek)
- Mark Dresaj, GW, Sept. 2015–Jan. 2016 [Officer Candidate, US Army] [Mentor: Camille Lombard-Banek]
- David Plotnick, GW, Jan. 2015–Aug. 2017 [2020– Present, PhD Graduate Student, Boston University Medical School, Boston, MA] (Mentor: Rosemary M. Onjiko)
- Sydney Morris, GW, Jan. 2014–June 2015 [PhD Candidate, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA]
- Christina Jeong Won Choi, GW, Jan. 2014–Jan. 2015 [Chemist, Eurofins Calscience, Irvine, CA]
- William J. Hoover (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL), intern at FDA, July 2012–Sept. 2012
- Ethan Glaser (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), intern at FDA, Feb. 2013–Sept. 2013
High School Students
- Lixing Wang, (Montgomery Blair High School, Magnet Program in Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science), Jun/15–8/28/2020
- Diego A. Cromwell, (Westfield High School, Chantilly, VA), 12/2018–1/2020
- Rohith Mathew, (Sherwood High S37chool, Olney, MD), 7/15–8/23/2018
- Anindita Mullick, (Clarksburg High School, Clarksburg, MD), 7/1–8/31/2017
- Arthur Nganou, (Wheaton High School, Silver Spring, MD), 7/1–31/2016 [Lycoming College 2017]
- Kailande Cassamajor, (Wheaton High School, Silver Spring, MD), 6–8/2015
- Sushma Reddy, (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, VA), 6/2015–1/2016
- Millen Anand, (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, VA), 6–9/2014