Tanya Huntington Defends Doctoral Dissertation

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese/SLLC  is pleased to announce the successful defense of a doctoral dissertation  “EL AGUILA Y LA SERPIENTE de Martín Luis Guzmán: Una mea culpa revolucionaria” by Tanya Huntington Hyde, on October 5, 2010. Sandra Messenger Cypess, Acting Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, chaired the committee. The committee members are: Dr. Regina Harrison, Dr. Roberta Lavine, Dr. Eyda Merediz, and Dr. Mary Kay Vaughan (Dean’s representative).  We also congratulate Tanya on her latest grant from the National Fund for Culture and Arts of Mexico (FONCA) to support her poetry and artwork (2010-2011).  ¡Felicitaciones!

Seminars with Dr. Concepcion Company

Company Seminars Fall 2010 PosterThe Department of Spanish and Portuguese is pleased to invite you to the Fall 2010 Juan Ramón Jiménez Distinguished Lectures and Seminars. This semester  Dr. Concepción Company Company from the Universidad Autónoma of Mexico will give four lectures as part of this series. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Friday, October 8 in Multipurpose Room, St. Mary’s Hall:
La tensión entre escritura y oralidad en la formación de los
adverbios en –mente.

Wednesday October 13 in Maryland Room, Marie Mount Hall    “Lexicon as a Reflection of Culture:  ‘Bad’ and ‘Good’ Roots in the History of the Spanish Language.”

Friday, October 15 in 2215 F Jiménez Hall:
La tensión entre forma y significado en el cambio gramatical.
Friday, October 22 in Multipurpose Room, St. Mary’s Hall:
La tensión entre profundidad histórica del cambio y la creación de nuevas categorías en la lengua.

Santos Sopena to attend Digital Humanities Summer Institute

Congratulations to graduate student, Oscar Santos Sopena to attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria (Canada).  He will participate in the specialized session, “Out of the Box Text Analysis for the Digital Humanities Workshop.”  We wish him well and look forward to hearing about his project.

Bolikowska to participate in Smithsonian Latino Museum Studies Program

We are pleased to announce that graduate student, Agnieszka Bolikowska of Spanish/SLLC has been selected as one of 15 applicants to participate in the 2010 Smithsonian Latino Museum Studies Program (LMSP).  The  July 10 to August 6 program will allow Aga to develop themes of her dissertation on Guillermo Gómez Peña and his performance art, directed by Regina Harrison, as well as provide meetings with many museum-oriented  out-reach coordinators.

Organized by the Smithsonian Latino Center (SLC), the Latino Museum Studies Program (LMSP) is dedicated to fostering the professional development of emerging leaders in the fields of Latino history, art, and culture. The four-week program includes panel sessions, lectures, workshops, and behind the scenes access to Smithsonian collections. Additionally, fellows work with Smithsonian staff on designated projects and contribute to current exhibitions, programs, and research initiatives in progress at the Institution.

Cristina Burneo awarded a Snouffer Dissertation Fellowship for 2010-2011

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese is pleased to announce that Cristina Burneo has been awarded a Snouffer
Dissertation Fellowship for 2010-2011!  She will receive a 9.5 month stipend for the year, in addition to ten tuition remission credits per semester.

Her dissertation is titled, “Voyage towards Meaning:  Biographical Reconstruction and Bilingual Poetry in Four Andean Poets,” and is directed by Prof. Jorge Aguilar Mora.

Also, Prof. Sandra Cypess (Chair of Spanish, SLLC) should be acknowledged for presenting  our candidates in her letter of support that was sent to the Snouffer Committee for selection.

Felicitaciones, Cristina!!  Please direct an email to Cristina at
cburneo@umd.edu to extend your congratulations.

Congratulations to Philip Merrill Scholar Lina Morales

On behalf of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, we congratulate Lina Morales, a graduating senior in Spanish, who was recently chosen as a 2010-2011 Philip Merrill Presidential Scholar! Her faculty mentor is Dra. Sandra Cypess.

Lina is also working on an Honors Project in which she is creating a web site for Chilean drama – the site will include play scripts and translations as well as critical materials, making Chilean drama accessible to the global community.

Felicidades Lina on your wonderful accomplishments!

Los 30: Thirty Years of Salvadoran/Latino Migration to Washington, D.C.

los30You are cordially invited to “Los 30: Thirty Years of Salvadoran/Latino Migration to Washington, D.C.,” a Work-In-Progress Performance by Quique Avilés featuring Lilo González. Students in USLT 202 (U.S. Latina/o Studies II), SPAN 408b (Transnational Latina/o Literatures), and JOUR 479N/698N (The Carnegie Seminar) at UMD have contributed oral histories and historical narratives for the production of the collective piece, which premieres:

Date:   Monday, April 26, 2010 Time   7:00 – 9:00 pm

Place: 1208Eaton Theater at Knight Hall Journalism Building

Before the performance, at 6:00 pm, you are invited to a reception in the foyer of the Knight.
The event is in English, Free, and Open to the General Public.

For information, please contact Ana Patricia Rodríguez (301) 405-2020 / aprodrig@umd.edu

We would like to thank the Department of American Studies, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Latin American Studies Center, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and The Carnegie Seminar of the Philip Merrill College of Journalism for their generous support.
Artist bios:
Quique Avilés is a leading voice in Latino performance and poetry in the United States. His work addresses issues of race, identity, and diaspora. A native of El Salvador and a graduate of the Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Avilés has been writing, performing, teaching workshops, and mentoring young and emerging artists for more than 25 years. He is the author of The Immigrant Museum (2003). The Humanities Council of Washington, D.C. has awarded him a Special Grant for the production of “Los 30,” which documents the history of Salvadoran and Latino migration to the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area.

Lilo González is a Salvadoran musician, songwriter, and bandleader, who has been composing and singing for over 20 years. With his band, Los de la Mount Pleasant, he released his first CD in 1994, “A Quien Corresponda.” He has performed in venues across the U.S., Canada, and Latin America. González won second place for the Latin category of the 1991 Billboard Song Contest with his song “Forjando un Solo Pueblo” and has received the Wammie Award for “Best Latin Vocalist.”

Ana Maria Shua will give a lecture titled: With all I am: Woman, Jew, Latin American, Writer

On Monday, April 19, at 12:00pm (Maryland Room, Marie Mount Hall), Ana María Shua will give a lecture titled, “With all I am: Woman, Jew, Latin American, Writer…”

Ana María Shua has earned a prominent place in contemporary Argentine fiction with the publication of over forty books in nearly every genre: novels, short stories, poetry, children’s fiction, books of humor and Jewish folklore, anthologies, film scripts, journalistic articles, and essays. Her award-winning works have been translated to many languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Korean, Japanese, Icelandic, Bulgarian, and Serbian, and her stories appear in anthologies throughout the world. Born in Buenos Aires in 1951, Shua began her literary career at the young age of sixteen with the publication of El sol y yo (The Sun and I), a volume of poetry which received two literary prizes in 1967. She went on to study at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires and worked as an advertising copywriter and journalist during the early stages of her career. Since then, she has received numerous national and international awards and a Guggenheim Fellowship for her novel El libro de los recuerdos (The Book of Memories, 1994). Her other novels include Soy Paciente (Patient, 1980), Los amores de Laurita (Laurita’s Loves, 1984), which was made into a movie,  La muerte como efecto secundario (Death as a Side Effect, 1997), and  El peso de la tentación (The Weight of Temptation, 2007).  Her four microfiction books have been published in Madrid in one volume: Cazadores de Letras, (Letter’s Hunters, 2009). Her complete short stories have been published as Que tengas una vida interesante in 2009.

Please, find attached the event poster. This event is sponsored by SLLC, SPAP, The Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, and The Women Studies Department. The presentation will be in English.

Poster Shua2

The Latin American Studies Center 20th Anniversary Conference. Reconfiguring Latin America: Conversations for the 21st Century.

The Latin American Studies Center at the University of Maryland cordially invites you to our 20th Anniversary Conference, “Reconfiguring Latin America: Conversations for the 21st Century”



Pia Barros will talk on Globalization and Changes in Cultural Consumption

Tomorrow, Thursday, March 3, 2010 Pía Barros will talk on “Globalization and Changes in Cultural Consumption” at 3:30pm (Multipurpose Room, St Mary’s Hall).

Pía Barros es una de las escritoras de más renombre en Chile. Desde 1976, Barros dirige los talleres Ergo Sum y la Editorial Asterión. Ha publicado una treintena de libros-objeto, con cuentos ilustrados por distinguidos artistas gráficos. Por sus talleres literarios, que destacan entre los de mayor prestigio en el ámbito, han pasado una infinidad de alumnos incluyendo a los célebres escritores Pedro Lemebel y Alejandra Costamagna. Entre sus publicaciones se cuentan: Miedos transitorios (Ediciones Ergo Sum, 1985, traducido al inglés en 1996); A horcajadas (Mosquito Editores, 1990); Astride (Edición bilingüe, 1992); El tono menor del deseo (Editorial Cuarto Propio, 1990); Signos bajo la piel (Editorial Grijalbo, 1994); Ropa usada (Ediciones Asterión, 2000); Lo que ya nos encontró, primera novela chilena en formato digital editada por Chilelibro.com (2000); Los que sobran, cuentos (Ediciones Asterión, 2002). Sus cuentos han aparecido en más de treinta antologías, en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos, Europa y Australia.

Pia Poster

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