Month: May 2013

A Boycott of Academic Ranking Systems? Critical Legal Thinking

A Boycott of Academic Ranking Systems?


Uni­ver­sit­ies and insti­tu­tions of higher edu­ca­tion across the globe are being impacted by struc­tural change, guided by prin­ciples of the entre­pren­eur­ial uni­ver­sity. The impos­i­tion of New Pub­lic Man­age­ment prin­ciples means that uni­ver­sit­ies are increas­ingly being man­aged like private enter­prises. Resources are being alloc­ated accord­ing to per­form­ance records and tar­get agree­ments. Aca­demic cap­it­al­ism has entered Ger­many, and its main instru­ments are uni­ver­sity depart­ment rank­ings and league tables. The down­side is an aca­demic routine biased towards quant­it­at­ive per­form­ance indic­at­ors (research fund­ing, num­ber of doc­tor­ates and gradu­ates) and a neg­lect of qual­it­at­ive cri­teria. Work in aca­demia has changed fun­da­ment­ally in both design and con­tent. Teach­ing and research are increas­ingly being obstruc­ted by the growth of admin­is­trat­ive respons­ib­il­it­ies. There is a logic of escal­a­tion inher­ent in per­form­ance meas­ure­ment exer­cises (“more and more and never enough”), res­ult­ing in work intens­i­fic­a­tion, stress, and over­load amongst all groups of the aca­demic work­force. Neg­at­ive effects on the qual­ity of research and teach­ing are increas­ingly being felt.

Continues here: A Boycott of Academic Ranking Systems? | Critical Legal Thinking.

Caribe Abierto ( ) Ensayos Críticos

Caribe abierto () Ensayos críticos

Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia, editor

Esta colección de ensayos críticos, en palabras de su compilador, “estropea la nitidez disciplinaria o la corrección moral de tantos relatos bienpensantes y aguacatones dedicados apenas al inventario de las particularidades identitarias de las islas.”  No es la “tendencia dominante” la que guía la exploración de un posible espacio caribeño, sino las subjetividades singulares, anómalas, imposibles; así como los actos abyectos, inmotivados e increíbles.  El registro crítico alcanza de los delirios salubristas del doctor Ashley en San Juan de Puerto Rico a las orgías contra-dantescas de José Lezama Lima.


Buy it here: Caribe Abierto Ensayos Críticos.

New Book: Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia’s “Caribe abierto ( ) Ensayos críticos” | Repeating Islands



Caribe abierto ( ) Ensayos críticos is a collection of critical essays published by the International Institute of Ibero-American Literature [Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana], edited by Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia.Description: In the words of the editor, this critical anthology “spoils the disciplinary sharpness or moral correctness of many well-pondered narratives barely dedicated to presenting an inventory of the identity particularities of the islands.” What guides the exploration of a possible Caribbean space here is not the “mainstream tendency” but rather unique, anomalous, and impossible subjectivities, as well as abject, unmotivated, and unbelievable actions. The works’ critical register spans from the health deliria of Dr. Ashley in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to the counter-Dantesque orgies of José Lezama Lima.


The contributors are Lena Burgos-Lafuente, Ana Serra, Ivette Rodríguez-Santana, Horacio Legrás, Marilyn Grace Miller, Néstor E. Rodríguez, Francisco Morán, Eduardo González, Laura Maccioni, and Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia.

via New Book: Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia’s “Caribe abierto” | Repeating Islands.

Colloquium – Tania Bruguera | CLACS | NYU

Tania Bruguera en Vivo ahora mismo, 6 de junio de 2013

Colloquium – Tania Bruguera | CLACS | NYU.

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