It is with great pleasure that I inform you that Ms. Vineeta Singh, an  
undergraduate student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese as well as
Neurobiology, has been selected as Philip Merrill Presidential Scholar.

This is an excerpt of the letter from Donna B. Hamilton, Associate Provost
for Academic Affairs and Dean for Undergraduate Studies: 
“Vineeta Singh, a rising senior in the College of Arts and Humanities, has
been chosen as a 2009-2010 Philip Merrill Presidential Scholar. Professor Ana
Patricia Rodríguez, from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, was named by 
Vineeta Singh as the faculty mentor who has made the most impact on her 
academic achievement. The Philip Merrill Presidential Scholarship recognizes
academic excellence in our students and the important role that teachers and
faculty have as mentors.” 

Congratulations to Ms. Singh, whose future plans include attending medical 
school so she can work with underserved communities.