On Friday, February 26, at 12:00pm (St Mary’s Hall, Multipurpose Room), Professor Adela Pineda will give a lecture titled : “The Mexican Revolution through the Lens of Hollywood: The Case of ‘Viva Villa’ (1934).”

Adela Pineda Franco (Ph.D., University of Texas) is a faculty member in the Latin American Studies Program at Boston University. She is the author of Geopolíticas de la cultura finisecular en Buenos Aires, Paris y México: las revistas literarias y el modernismo (ILLI, 2006) and co-editor of Hacia el país del mezcal (Aldus Editorial, 2002) and Alfonso Reyes y los estudios latinoamericanos (University of Pittsburgh, 2004). She was awarded a grant by the US-Mexico Fund for Culture and the Rockefeller Foundation, and was a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) in Mexico (1999-2001). She is currently at work on a book project on Mexico City, its lettered culture, and the Mexican Revolution.Pineda Poster