
Bolikowska to participate in Smithsonian Latino Museum Studies Program

We are pleased to announce that graduate student, Agnieszka Bolikowska of Spanish/SLLC has been selected as one of 15 applicants to participate in the 2010 Smithsonian Latino Museum Studies Program (LMSP).  The  July 10 to August 6 program will allow Aga to develop themes of her dissertation on Guillermo Gómez Peña and his performance art, directed by Regina Harrison, as well as provide meetings with many museum-oriented  out-reach coordinators.

Organized by the Smithsonian Latino Center (SLC), the Latino Museum Studies Program (LMSP) is dedicated to fostering the professional development of emerging leaders in the fields of Latino history, art, and culture. The four-week program includes panel sessions, lectures, workshops, and behind the scenes access to Smithsonian collections. Additionally, fellows work with Smithsonian staff on designated projects and contribute to current exhibitions, programs, and research initiatives in progress at the Institution.

Cristina Burneo awarded a Snouffer Dissertation Fellowship for 2010-2011

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese is pleased to announce that Cristina Burneo has been awarded a Snouffer
Dissertation Fellowship for 2010-2011!  She will receive a 9.5 month stipend for the year, in addition to ten tuition remission credits per semester.

Her dissertation is titled, “Voyage towards Meaning:  Biographical Reconstruction and Bilingual Poetry in Four Andean Poets,” and is directed by Prof. Jorge Aguilar Mora.

Also, Prof. Sandra Cypess (Chair of Spanish, SLLC) should be acknowledged for presenting  our candidates in her letter of support that was sent to the Snouffer Committee for selection.

Felicitaciones, Cristina!!  Please direct an email to Cristina at to extend your congratulations.

Adela Pineda: The Mexican Revolution through the Lens of Hollywood: The Case of -Viva Villa- (1934).

On Friday, February 26, at 12:00pm (St Mary’s Hall, Multipurpose Room), Professor Adela Pineda will give a lecture titled : “The Mexican Revolution through the Lens of Hollywood: The Case of ‘Viva Villa’ (1934).”

Adela Pineda Franco (Ph.D., University of Texas) is a faculty member in the Latin American Studies Program at Boston University. She is the author of Geopolíticas de la cultura finisecular en Buenos Aires, Paris y México: las revistas literarias y el modernismo (ILLI, 2006) and co-editor of Hacia el país del mezcal (Aldus Editorial, 2002) and Alfonso Reyes y los estudios latinoamericanos (University of Pittsburgh, 2004). She was awarded a grant by the US-Mexico Fund for Culture and the Rockefeller Foundation, and was a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) in Mexico (1999-2001). She is currently at work on a book project on Mexico City, its lettered culture, and the Mexican Revolution.Pineda Poster

Licia Fiol-Matta: The Times of Your (Colonial) Life: Sound, Gender, and the Politics of Voice in Puerto Rico, 1935-1995.

On Monday, February 22, at 12:00pm (St Mary’s Hall, Multipurpose Room), Professor Licia Fiol-Matta will give a lecture titled, “The Times of Your (Colonial) Life: Sound, Gender, and the Politics of Voice in Puerto Rico, 1935-1995.”

Licia Fiol-Matta (Ph.D. Yale University) is Associate Professor of Latin American and Puerto Rican Studies at Lehman College, City University of New York. She is the author of A Queer Mother for the Nation: The State and Gabriela Mistral (University of Minnesota Press, 2002), and of scholarly articles on gender, race, and sexuality. Her current research focuses on pop music and media; her second book, forthcoming from Duke University Press, is tentatively entitled The Politics of Voice: Gender and Music Culture in Puerto Rico. She is a member of the Editorial Collective of Social Text and co-editor of the series “New Directions in Latino American Cultures and New Concepts in Latino American Cultures” at Palgrave/Macmillan.

Poster Fiol Matta Final

Abril Trigo: A Critique of the Politico-Libidinal Economy of Contemporary Culture

Abril Trigo will give a lecture titled, “A Critique of the Politico-Libidinal Economy of Contemporary Culture.”

Abril Trigo (Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park) is “Distinguished Humanities Professor of Latin American Cultures” at The Ohio State University. He is the author of Memorias migrantes. Testimonios y ensayos sobre la diáspora uruguaya. (Beatriz Viterbo Editora 2003), ¿Cultura uruguaya o culturas linyeras? (Para una cartografía de la neomodernidad posuruguaya) (Vintén Editor, 1997), Caudillo, estado, nación. Literatura, historia e ideología en el Uruguay (Hispamérica, 1990), and co-editor of Critical Index of Uruguayan Theater (Ohio State University, 2009), The Latin American Cultural Studies Reader (Duke University Press, 2004), Los estudios culturales latinoamericanos hacia el siglo XXI (Revista Iberoamericana 2003).

Poster Trigo Final

Premio Cervantes to Emeritus Professor Jose Emilio Pacheco


Our colleague and friend, Mexican writer José Emilio Pacheco was awarded the Cervantes Prize, the highest literary honor in the Spanish-speaking world, on November 30, 2009. According to the jury, he is “an exceptional poet of daily life”, with the “ability to create his own world” and with “an ironic distance from reality” in his texts. Kudos/Congratulations José Emilio

The Miguel de Cervantes Prize, also known as Cervantes Prize, is a literary prize in Spanish awarded annually by the Ministry of Culture of Spain from the candidates proposed by the Language Academies of the Spanish-speaking countries. Established in 1976, this prize is the most important recognition in Spanish language to celebrate the overall body of work of an outstanding writer whose oeuvre is unique for the Spanish cultural heritage. Therefore, this prize is regarded as the Spanish language Nobel Prize in Literature.

The winner receives a monetary award of 125,000 euros (or $188,430 US dollars). The award is named after Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, the best novel written in Spanish literature.

Members of the jury

The president of the jury is José Antonio Pascual, member of the Spanish Royal Academy. The other members of the jury are Jaime Labastida, representative from the Mexican Language Academy; Luis García Montero, from the Spanish Universities’ Presidents Conference; María Agueda Méndez, from the Association of Latin American Universities; Soleda Puértoles, from the Cervantes Institute; Almudena Grande, from the Ministry of Culture; Pedro García Cuartango, from the Spanish Associated Press Federation; Ana Villareal, from the Latin American Associated Press Federation; David Gíes, from the International Hispanic Association; and Juan Gelman, winner of the prize in 2007. Rogelio Blanco, general Director of the Book, Archives and Libraries Office, and Mónica Fernández, general assistant of the Book Promotion, Reading and the Spanish Language, are the board secretaries.

List of Cervantes Prize Winners

1976 Jorge Guillén

1977 Alejo Carpentier

1978 Dámaso Alonso

1979 Jorge Luis Borges

Gerardo Diego

1980 Juan Carlos Onetti

1981 Octavio Paz

1982 Luis Rosales

1983 Rafael Alberti

1984 Ernesto Sábato

1985 Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

1986 Antonio Buero Vallejo

1987 Carlos Fuentes

1988 Maria Zambrano

1989 Augusto Roa Bastos

1990 Adolfo Bioy Casares

1991 Francisco Ayala

1992 Dulce María Loynaz

1993 Miguel Delibes

1994 Mario Vargas Llosa

1995 Camilo José Cela

1996 José García Nieto

1997 Guillermo Cabrera Infante

1998 José Hierro

1999 Jorge Edwards

2000 Francisco Umbral

2001 Álvaro Mutis

2002 José Jiménez Lozano

2003 Gonzalo Rojas

2004 Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio

2005 Sergio Pitol

2006 Antonio Gamoneda

2007 Juan Gelman

2008 Juan Marsé

Premio Cervantes Prize To Emeritus Professor Jose Emilio Pacheco.

Ricardo Forster en Maryland

Poster Forster 1

Poetas mexicanos en la ciudad

Young Mexican Poets

In Spanish

Thursday October 22, from 1:00 to 2:30pm

Multipurpose Room, St Mary’s Hall, University of Maryland, College Park

What it means to be a poet in Latin America? What it means to be a poet living in the most crowded city in the world? Award winning Mexican young poets Hernán Bravo and Alejandro Tarrab will address these and other questions regarding the art of poetry from their own experience and will read in Spanish some of their breathtaking works.


Aquí les dejamos unas cuantas imágenes de nuestra recepción. Se puede escuchar la voz de Celia Cruz entre las conversaciones.










Dividing the Isthmus: Central American Transnational Histories, Literatures, and Cultures

Please join the Department of Spanish and Portuguese in congratulating Associate Professor Ana P. Rodríguez for the publication of her book Dividing the Isthmus: Central American Transnational Histories, Literatures, and Cultures by the University of Texas Press.

Felicitaciones, Ana Patricia.

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