Below you may find a list of courses that I have taught. Some relevant material is posted.
University of Maryland, College Park
- Math 141 (Calculus II)
- Math 241 (Multivariable Calculus)
- Math 241H (Honors Multivariable Calculus)
- Math 246 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
- Math 246H (Honors Ordinary Differential Equations)
- Math 299B (Putnam Express)
- Math 340 (Honors Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra I)
- Math 341 (Honors ODE and Linear Algebra II)
- Math 401 (Applications of Linear Algebra)
- Math 402 (Algebraic Structures)
- Math 403 (Abstract Algebra)
- Math 405 (Linear Algebra)
- Math 406 (Elementary Number Theory)
- Math 410 (Advanced Calculus I)
- Math 411 (Advanced Calculus II)
- Math 430 (Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry)
- Math 445 (Elementary Mathematical Logic)
- Math/CMSC 475 (Combinatorics and Graph Theory)
- Data 601 (Graduate Probability & Statistics)
- Math 600 (Graduate Abstract Algebra I)
- Math 601 (Graduate Abstract Algebra II)
- Math 744 (Graduate Lie Groups I)
Southern Connecticut State University
- Math 095 (Elementary Algebra)
- Math 100 (Intermediate Algebra)
- Math 107 (Elementary Statistics)
- Math 120 (College Algebra)
- Math 122 (Pre-Calculus)
- Math 178 (Elementary Discrete Math)
- Math 221 (Intermediate Applied Statistics)
Yale University
- Math 112 (Calculus I)
- Math 115 (Calculus II)
- Math 120 (Multivariable Calculus)